Migrating My Localhost MongoDB Data to Docker Container
Migrating My Localhost MongoDB Data to Docker Container
Create MongoDB Container
docker run -d --rm --name {mongo_container_name} --network {my_network} -v {db_volume}:/data/db -p 27018:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME={username} -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD={password} mongo
Backup MongoDB database
First, you need lock the database for safety.
// mongo cli
use admin
db.auth("{usename}", "password")
Probably you will be told:
not authorized on admin to execute command
We should add the privileges (include backup
and restore
) to admin account by adding the Built-in Roles:
// mongo cli
db.grantRolesToUser("{username}", [ { "role": "hostManager", "db": "admin" }, { "role": "backup", "db": "admin" }, { "role": "restore", "db": "admin" } ])
The hostManager is the role for locking the database.
Now we can use mongodump
to backup the database:
sudo mongodump -u {username} -p {password} --authenticationDatabase admin -h localhost -d {database} --port 27017
It will create a dump directory with database files in the your current location. After dumping, you can unlock the database:
// mongo cli
use admin
db.auth("{usename}", "password")
Restore from Dump Files
The mongo in port 27017 is my localhost old database. Now I want to restore it to my new docker container of mongo which port is 27018:
sudo mongorestore -u {username} -p {password} --authenticationDatabase admin -h localhost -d {database} ./dump/{database_directory} --port 27018
The migration is done.